Cop Issues Jaywalking Ticket to Comatose Teen

Las Vegas police say comatose Takara Davis must be in court on March 6 to face charges of jaywalking. We say, "Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Takara!"

Las Vegas police say comatose Takara Davis must be in court on March 6 to face charges of jaywalking. We say, "Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Takara!"

There are no limitations as to how far nanny state bureaucrats will go to enforce some of their most nonsensical laws. Case in point: Las Vegas police last week hand-delivered a jaywalking ticket to a comatose 13-year-old girl because it seems that justice needed to be served immediately for this heinous crime.

“[The police officer] said, ‘Takara was jaywalking. She has got to go to court on March 6th,'” said Takara Davis’ mother, Kellie Obong. “If she was jaywalking, then she was jaywalking. But maybe you give it to me at a later time. Don’t give it to me when they are rushing her into the operating room.”

The Metropolitan Police Department issued a press statement justifying the jaywalking citation and the manner in which it was handled, completely discounting the family’s emotional state as young Takara clings to life:

“Our officers conduct themselves in a professional and compassionate way. We wouldn’t do anything deliberately insensitive.”

Does anyone else find it hard to believe that one of the most pressing issues for Las Vegas cops these days is to hassle comatose teenagers over petty jaywalking violations? Share your thoughts with Las Vegas’ finest morons:

Metropolitan Police Dept. Office of Public Information
(702) 828-3394

Office of The Sheriff
(702) 828-3231

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11 responses to “Cop Issues Jaywalking Ticket to Comatose Teen

  1. the worst thing is they let these guys carry loaded weapons. I think of Tackleberry from Police Academy at times like this, he shoots the cat out of a tree “there you go ma’am your cat is down now”

  2. Was the child jaywalking when she had an accident? yes she was and as a matter of paperwork the officer had to do it. Now, maybe timing is not everything, however he has a set of rules that he must follow. If the parent had taught the child not to break the law, well I’m must saying!!! Please do not bash police officers, they have enough to do without you turning on them.

  3. Pingback: Cop Issues Jaywalking Ticket to Comatose Teen (via ) « Orwell's Dreams

  4. @Colleen….you’re a moron.

  5. @ Colleen…..Do not bash the police you say ? lady you must be out of your mind not to see how the police are turning on the very people they are supposed to be protecting and serving. and then you stomp on the parents about how they should have taught the child better? the fact that you defend the police in this situation is disgusting. i can only hope that something this bad or even worse happens to you or a family member someday, then we’ll see how your outlook is.

  6. The girl is in a comatose condition. The officer should have been intelligent enough to know that she or the family don’t need his petty aggravation at this time, and that the girl is not going to be able to appear. All the police have done is make the situation worse. Mom should have put that officer in the hospital for bothering them at this time with that.

  7. Pingback: [ Law Enforcement & Police ] Open Question : How do you get a jaywalking ticket when your in the hospital in a coma? | My Life Real

  8. you must be kidding, right…
    they may act professional, but they are still @holes…
    and they wonder why no one respects them…
    and btw,
    all they really care about is their overtime and benefits…

  9. I wouldn’t consider this a “Nanny State” issue, but rather a “WTF” moment

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  11. First of all professionalism and police are incongruous. If this is not the epitome of insensitive it is certainly the poster boy for asinine.

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