Tag Archives: indoctrination

The Great Lie of the Nanny State

Video brought to you by the Tenth Amendment Center. Here’s an introduction to their synopsis of the video (read more on video’s YouTube description):

Many of us, after years of indoctrination at our government schools, were left with a sense that there is a great government force working hard every day to protect us and look after our best interest. We were told that government standards keep us safe from disease, that government highway regulations keep us safe from car accidents, that federal agencies make sure that the food we eat will be healthy.

The result of all of this? Americans everywhere drive more carelessly, do not research what they put on their plate and take medications that leave them sicker, rather than healthier …

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Huffington Post Lefties Oppose Nanny State Interference in Schools – Go Figure!

Perfect for treating the toughest loads of b.s.

Perfect for treating the toughest loads of b.s.

Who would ever believe that the socialists, liberals and ‘progressives’ over at The Huffington Post would be appalled by big government interference in American citizens’ lives, much less, impressionable young school children whose minds they’ve yet to manipulate? Well, wonder no more, because they posted proof in words and pictures.

Of course, out of the 17 “Weirdest Things Schools Have Banned,” there’s no mention of Bibles being banned on Freedom of Religion Day, students’ crucifixes being mistaken for gang symbols, or countless instances of God being removed from morning classroom recitals of the Pledge of Allegiance, and that’s probably cool with Huffington Post’s Grace Green:

Schools have a responsibility to protect their students, but when it comes to things like silly bandz and pogs, we wonder just how much protection kids really need. We found some of the weirdest things schools have banned, and we have to admit we are shocked at what some people consider a threat. Some of it we understand, like no toy guns or cell phones, but no Cheetos or breast cancer awareness bracelets? That’s crazy talk.

Got that? There are exceptions to how much nanny state bureaucrats can interfere in American’s lives, but only when it come to eating Cheetos and wearing Silly Bandz or breast cancer awareness bracelets.

We’ll assume everything else that’s fun, tasty and emits that awful stench of freedom is still off limits, unless The Huffington Post tells us otherwise.

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